Jewellery Case Studies
Our work covers repairs, re-modelling
and commissions.
See how we have helped our customers with their jewellery needs.
Sovereign Pendant
After years of natural wear and tear, the owner found that her
sovereign pendant had worn through and detached itself from the
connecting ring to the necklace. The chain was removed from the ring
and the sovereign was removed from the pendant surround, to keep it protected
from the restoration work.
Work Undertaken
The joining ring and pendant mount were both cleaned before any work was carried out.
Both pieces were coated in a protective solution and fired.
Both the joining ring and pendant ring were built up with new gold and solder
to return it to its original condition. They are then filed and buffed to
remove sharp areas and to allow them to fit together smoothly.
The joining ring was then cut through, reattached to the pendant mount and
soldered back together. The repaired pieces are then cleaned in the
diluted acid and the pendant is put back on the owner's necklace.
The necklace and pendant are both polished and the sovereign is reset into the mount. It is then given a final brightening.